Welcome to THE PYGMALION SYNDROME. I’m Leem, and this site showcases my fetish for erotic immobility. It is not about having sex with statues! It’s about becoming immobile or rigid, and being sexually aroused by the sens-
ations of helplessness and total loss of control.
The Pygmalion Syndrome - Thank you, US Supreme Court! Now how about legalizing gay statue marriage?
Not affiliated with Reverse Pygmalion on Tumblr - but sometimes “borrowed” from by it!!!
Female StoriesMale StoriesArt GalleryArt & StuffTaral WayneLinksLegacy of Timeless BeautyHall of Statuary
LinksTechnosexuality FAQStatuephile Living Doll HouseAll Under ControlThe ASFR CollectionsTotal Immersion
Robolover's ASFR Fiction
Nightshade the Merry Widow (external link)
Nightshade the Merry Widow (external link)
More than three weeks late for the anniversary, I’m finally (if slowly) getting things together with the Taral Wayne art updates. See here and here. I’d love to do a full navigational update for the whole site... but then I think about all the work it would take... sigh. Anyone care to undertake the work for me, for free? Well, it was worth a shot...

Previously: A couple of the Art Gallery pages are due for an update with new and/or revised images. I do have one or two other projects demanding my attention at the moment. I’m still working with Ed Kline on the NSFW webcomic Nightshade the Merry Widow, which despite its off-the-wall concept is doing quite nicely in The Belfry WebComics Index’s Most Read Science Fiction chart.

Please give me your honest opinions on the site.
Taral Wayne - End of the Day
Taral Wayne
There is also a Japanese site called Pygmalion Syndrome. Whatever it’s about, it certainly isn’t erotic.

Lend Some Support
by Leem
When they asked me to lend some support to their dinner party I never imagined they meant for me to become part of the table!
Lend Some Support: photo and caption by Leem, Creative Commons licence.
Photographed in the window of a now-defunct Las Vegas art repro shop, June 2011.
I believe it may be based on a piece by Falconet, but I haven’t been able to confirm this.

The Endless Circle
by Leem
Neverending hula gyrations
Mental Notes by Professor Helena Vincent, July 23 2035
3:33 PM: Commencing test of new H.U.L.A. gyratory time machine. At 3:37 I will attempt to travel forward by five minutes.
3:36 PM: Discover unexpected side effect: a powerful orgasm! Making it hard to think clearly. Must focus on programming.
3:37 PM: Climax intensifying, more and more. Incredible sensation, but try to concentrate. Time shift commencing... now.
3:37 PM: Programming error. Jumped back five seconds! Helplessly repeating gyrations. Can’t stop. Unbelievable climaxes.
3:37 PM: Climax after stunning climax, every one identical. Sun frozen in the sky. Body won’t respond. Impossible to escape.
3:37 PM: It’s been 3:37 PM for a million years. Endless gyration. Endless orgasm. Oh, dear god, what a way to spend eternity.

Dance of Ecstasy
by Leem
Dance of Ecstasy
The Vine by Harriet Whitney Frishmuth, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
photo by Leem, Creative Commons licence; posed by Desha Delteil, historic photo